M-Bus HATs for Raspberry Pi Pico

These extension boards expand your Raspberry Pi Pico with functions for smart metering. Depending on the version of the shield, an M-BUS (meter bus) master or M-BUS slave is provided.

With the M-BUS Master HAT you can read consumption meters for heat, gas, oil, water etc. that have a built-in M-BUS slave interface.

With the M-BUS Slave HAT you can read consumption meters with a so-called P1 customer interface (e.g. electricity meters in Austria). You can also use the Slave Shield to create your own meters for the M-BUS (e.g. to provide self-recorded data for an M-BUS master).

Raspberry Pi Pico M-Bus Master HAT:


  • M-Bus (meter bus) Master
  • powered by an external 9..30V DC voltage (36V for the MBUS will be generated internally from this voltage)
  • up to 6 unit loads can be powered
  • communication with Pico via UART0 or UART1
  • isolated interface
  • can be combined with the Raspberry Pi Pico




Arduino IDE

We are providing code of  a simple data repeater to analyse M-BUS data via an connected PC and also a basic M-BUS master to readout M-BUS slaves directly with the Raspberry Pi Pico.



For the Arduino Portenta Family a Micropython library including examples is available.

Please follow this tutorial for installation.


Raspberry Pi Pico M-Bus Slave HAT:


  • M-Bus (meter bus) slave node
  • based on the TSS721 M-Bus Transceiver IC from Texas Instruments
  • communication with Pico via UART0 or UART1
  • isolated interface
  • can be combined with the Raspberry Pi Pico



Arduino IDE

On our GITHUB account we have provided example code for reading consumption meters with P1 customer interface and DLMS/COSAM protocol

The Arduino M-BUS meter example shows how you can program your own simple meters.




Datasheet Raspberry Pi Pico M-BUS Master HAT
Datasheet MBUS Master Pico HAT Rev B.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.3 MB
Datasheet Raspberry Pi Pico M-BUS Slave HAT
Datasheet MBUS Slave Pico HAT Rev A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB


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